Summary: This post provides a comprehensive guide on how to easily add the Okex Chain (OKTC) to your MetaMask wallet using the streamlined process on the OKX platform or by manually inputting verified RPC endpoints. Learn about the OKTC's distinctive features, including its scalability, interoperability, and its potential to facilitate the growth of Web3 applications, offering a low-fee, high-performance network for both developers and users.

Table of Contents

How to Add Okex Chain (OKTC) to MetaMask

Connecting the Okex Chain to your MetaMask wallet can be done with ease and precision by inputting the verified RPC endpoints to your network list. OKX has streamlined this process on their platform, offering a user-friendly interface where you can add the network with just a few clicks. Here's a simplified, step-by-step guide to help you integrate the Okex Chain to your MetaMask wallet securely:

  1. Initiate the Process: Begin by navigating to the OKC Chain's official home page.
  2. Connect Your Wallet: Locate and click the 'Connect Wallet' button situated prominently at the top of the page.
  3. Select Your Preferred Wallet: A list of wallets will be presented. Choose 'MetaMask' or any other wallet you wish to link to the Okex Chain.
  4. Finalize the Connection: To complete the setup, click the 'Connect Wallet Extension' button. Your MetaMask wallet will then automatically establish a connection with the Okex Chain, thereby broadening your cryptocurrency management capabilities.
add okexchain MetaMask
Add OkexChain to MetaMask, Phantom, Wallet Connect or OKX Wallet.

Okex Chain RPC

If you would prefer to manually input the Okex Chain (OKC Chain) RPC endpoints to your MetaMask network, you can do so with the verified details below:

  • Network Name: OKXChain Mainnet
  • RPC URL:
  • ChainID: 66
  • Symbol: OKT
  • Explorer:

What is OkexChain?

The OKT Chain, also denoted as OKTC, stands as a revolutionary blockchain platform, characterized by its scalability and interoperability. As an L1 solution built on the powerful Cosmos ecosystem, it fully embraces compatibility with EVM and IBC, paving the way for seamless multi-chain interactions and top-notch performance. At its core, it seeks to foster the exponential growth of Web3 applications by crafting a nurturing environment equipped with vital infrastructural supports necessary for DApps to flourish and thrive. Notable for its lightning-speed transaction processing capabilities, the platform guarantees low fees, thus ensuring both developers and users can benefit from an economical yet efficient network.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, adding the Okex Chain (OKTC) to your MetaMask wallet has never been simpler. With a seamless integration process facilitated by OKX, users can effortlessly expand their cryptocurrency management toolkit. Whether you opt for the user-friendly automatic setup via the OKX platform or prefer a more hands-on approach with manual RPC endpoint input, you're only a few steps away from tapping into a network that embodies scalability, interoperability, and economic efficiency.