ShibaSwap Staking Calculator

A ShibaSwap and Shiba Inu staking calculator for DEX liquidity providers and SSLP stakers.

Shiba Inu Staking

Shiba Inu investors can stake their tokens to earn protocol revenue from ShibaSwap. The ShibaSwap platform is the largest decentralized memecoin exchange that was deployed by the Shiba Inu community.

You can earn up to 60% APY staking SHIB, BONE and LEASH on their platform.

Can I Stake Shiba on Binance?

Investors cannot stake Shiba on Binance to earn protocol revenues from ShibaSwap. You can only do this directly through the Dapp, which means you need to have a Web3 Wallet like Metamask and Ethereum loaded onto the account.

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