Summary: The best way to add Gnosis Network to your MetaMask Wallet is through the ChainList App. ChainList is an EVM network aggregator that collects all verified RPC and Chain ID information for 100+ Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains and allows users to easily connect to them at the click of a button.

You can continue reading for our easy step-by-step guide on how to get started.

Table of Contents

Can you add Gnosis to MetaMask?

Yes, Gnosis is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), given its design as a part of the Ethereum network. It benefits from Ethereum's robust security measures and the network's decentralization capabilities. Gnosis is distinct in its focus on prediction markets and decentralized trading, harnessing the power of Ethereum's smart contract functionality. This distinct emphasis makes it possible to integrate Gnosis with MetaMask, a feature commonly utilized for Ethereum and similar blockchains.

How to Add Gnosis to MetaMask

Gnosis Mainnet can be added to a MetaMask Wallet because it is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible chain and is supported by MetaMask. As outlined above, the best way to add the verified RPC and Chain ID is by using the ChainList App, which aggregates all EVM network information to allow users to easily connect to the chain.

You can follow this simple guide to get started:

  1. Visit ChainList and connect your wallet.
  2. Search for "Gnosis" in the search tab.
  3. Find Gnosis and click "Add to MetaMask".
  4. Your MetaMask Wallet will then prompt you to add the network and you're done!
Add Gnosis to MetaMask.
Add Gnosis to MetaMask.

What is Gnosis Chain?

Gnosis Chain is an Ethereum sidechain that is secured by over 100,000 validators around the world. The network and community prides itself on its decentralized and diverse validator set, which enables a credibly neutral chain for builders to safely deploy applications.

Gnosis Chain is also EVM compatible, which allows any Ethereum application to be deployed on the sidechain. This provides developers with an easy way to scale their applications while maintaining similar security properties to that of Ethereum mainnet.

What is the Difference Between a Sidechain and Layer 2?

A sidechain is a separate blockchain that runs parallel to the main blockchain and is connected to it through a two-way peg, allowing assets to be transferred between the two chains. This enables the sidechain to have its own set of rules, consensus mechanism, and security while still being able to access the security and assets of the main chain.

Layer 2 refers to solutions built on top of the existing blockchain infrastructure to increase scalability, reduce transaction costs and improve the overall user experience without changing the underlying protocol. Layer 2 solutions, like state channels, Plasma, and rollups, allow for off-chain transactions and data processing, which reduces the load on the main blockchain and increases the number of transactions that can be processed per second.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, integrating Gnosis with MetaMask is a straightforward process made possible due to Gnosis' EVM compatibility and the easy-to-use ChainList App. This compatibility allows Ethereum applications to be deployed on the Gnosis Chain, offering scalability while preserving security measures inherent to the Ethereum mainnet. With the help of over 100,000 global validators, Gnosis Chain offers a credibly neutral platform for deploying decentralized apps and harnessing the potential of Ethereum's smart contract functionality.